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The Holiday Mini Sessions were so much fun this year! Since my private location is rustic anyway, I thought it would be very fitting to do a rustic outdoor theme this year! Here are just a few of my favorites from this two-day Christmas event!

Aren’t these two darling? Their dresses were absolutely perfect for these rustic holiday minis!

holiday mini sessions by Atlanta photographer

This little guy was very excited about ringing a real jingle bell! I loved his blue suede shoes too!

holiday mini sessions by Atlanta photographer

These three were absolutely adorable. Can you see how excited the littlest one is for Christmas?

holiday mini sessions by Atlanta photographer

And of course, I had to try to capture a few of my own son. He wasn’t as excited about these photos as I was but at least he gave me a few keepers!

holiday mini sessions by Atlanta photographer

If you are sad you missed these holiday mini sessions with Simply Corey Photography, be sure to sign up for the email newsletter! Events and promotions are always announced to newsletter subscribers first. I hope to see you next year!

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Simply Corey Photography is a professional portrait photographer located in west Georgia. Corey has been photographing babies, children, teens, and families throughout the Atlanta area since 2004. More of Simply Corey Photography’s portrait work can be viewed on the blog.

Current work can also be seen regularly on the Simply Corey Photography Facebook and Instagram. Please email Simply Corey Photography for more information regarding your next portrait session!

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  1. What a beautiful set up for christmas mini sessions in Atlanta! Even though there is no snow you’ve made these look perfectly wintery and lovely. Well done!

  2. This is probably the cutest set up for Holiday mini sessions I have seen! Everyone this year is trying for the rustic look, but having to fake it indoors — you have the real deal outdoors and it looks awesome.

  3. I absolutely love this! These holiday mini sessions are amazing and I love that you incorporated a rustic feel to these photos, but still kept them very festive! And oh my goodness I love those dresses. They are so cute and perfect for these sessions.

  4. Your holiday mini sessions are always amazing. This year’s rustic set is pure perfection! I love the use of the wood pile, and there are seasonal props that add to the scene but still allow the subjects to shine. How lucky you are to have this private Atlanta location to use each year!

  5. Nicola Windjack says:

    Holiday mini sessions are so fun! I love how you styled yours, and the little ones all came so nicely dressed up! I love the last guy’s antler sweater and his cute shy smile. You can really see these kids’ personalities in their portraits!

  6. Wow your location for your holiday minis this year were awesome! How lucky to have your private location so beautiful and perfect for holiday mini sessions.

  7. Seriously the cutest holiday mini-sessions in Atlanta that I have ever seen. Howe perfect is the wood log background against your sweet families’ little ones. I love these sneak peeks from prior sessions that really showcase how gorgeous a holiday mini-session can be!

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